A Picture A Day...or 2, Day 7

5:28 AM Posted by A Busy Mommy

Lunenburg County

On Friday, My Mom, sis from Toronto, Ben and I went to spend the day in Lunenburg. At first, Ben was a little queesy in the car, he actually said he wanted to go home and have a nap (which is a sure sign that he needs to puke) but me, being the wonderful mom that I am ignored his warnings and told him to nap in the car.

We made it to Lunenburg, mess free and he did have a little snooze in the car. He woke up feeling just fine and full of energy. We had a great lunch (which was on mom) and a wonderful little stroll around the town.

Now, one thing I would like to say is If you plan to go to Lunenburg, wear sneakers...the place was built on a hill and at 6 months pregnant, it was not an easy walk.

I took lots of wonderful photos of our trip to Lunenburg. Ben and Aunti KiKi did amazing poses and had a ball jumping around and acting like fools. I came home to upload them Friday night, and this is what I found...

Note to self...do not let your children play with your camera without first protecting the photos on it. Yep...they're all gone...every single one. Thankfully Mom and Aunti Kiki had their cameras as well, so the memories will still be available to me...they're just not mine. And Yes...I Cried. A Lot.

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  1. Unknown said...

    Oh man! That stinks! At least they had cameras. But I know I would have been so upset if that happened to me too! Hey, the one picture you did get is totally adorable!!

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